Contest ends tonight! Totally not kidding!

Nearly 60 e-books.
A free e-reader.
Enough reading to get you through the summer and beyond.

Because it’s not like you’re going on a cruise any time soon, right?

Clickety-click right here: —->

There’s a different contest starting on Monday, so don’t miss this one while it lasts (the rest of today/this evening)!

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. All rights reserved. Lather, rinse, repeat. No parking without permit. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Phrase your answer in the form of a question. Bridge freezes before road surface.

Vote for Secret Agent Manny!

Hey, gang! Do something for me, wouldja? Vote for Secret Agent Manny to win in the Mystery/Thriller category for the 50 Best Indie Books of 2018. Thanks to for holding this contest!


Thanks so much for taking a few minutes out of your crazy schedules to do a big favor for this pathetic little humorist, novelist, and scapegoat.

You guys are awesome. I love what I do, and I love taking you all along for the ride.

Secret Agent Manny